
Water Level Edisto River

Water Level Edisto River - The river’s level can be tracked here. Monitoring location 02173500 is associated with a stream in orangeburg county, south carolina. Current conditions of discharge, gage height, precipitation, and more are. Colleton county, s. c. The south carolina emergency management division, in partnership with county and state agencies, announced monday that it plans to monitor water levels along the edisto. River was at 7. 7 feet. Use the official hydrograph at the top of this web page for river levels within the next 72 hours. Click individual graphics to enlarge. Explore the new usgs national water dashboard; Usgs 02175000 edisto river nr. Edisto island, s. c. (wciv) — charleston county emergency management officials reported tuesday the edisto river has begun to recede from a peak 17. 9 feet. The south carolina emergency management division, in partnership with county and state agencies, closely monitors water levels along the edisto river. Explore the new usgs national water dashboard; Monitoring location 02172558 is associated with a stream in aiken county, south carolina. Edisto island, s. c. (wciv) — charleston county emergency management officials reported tuesday the edisto river has begun to recede from a peak 17. 9 feet. The south carolina emergency management division, in partnership with county and state agencies, closely monitors water levels along the edisto river. Explore the new usgs national water dashboard; Monitoring location 02172558 is associated with a stream in aiken county, south carolina. Current conditions of discharge, gage height, and stream water level elevation above navd. Monitoring location 02175000 is associated with a stream in dorchester county, south carolina. Current conditions of discharge, gage height, and stream water level. Monitoring location 02174000 is associated with a stream in bamberg county, south carolina. Current conditions of discharge, gage height, and stream water level. Thank you for visiting a national oceanic and atmospheric administration (noaa) website. Monitoring location 02174055 is associated with a stream in dorchester county, south carolina. Current conditions of discharge, gage height, and stream water level. Edisto river near givhans ferry is predicted to reach 17ft by 8 pm. An urgent alert was made by dorchester county on facebook. Officials are monitoring the rising levels of both.

The river’s level can be tracked here. Monitoring location 02173500 is associated with a stream in orangeburg county, south carolina. Current conditions of discharge, gage height, precipitation, and more are. Colleton county, s. c. The south carolina emergency management division, in partnership with county and state agencies, announced monday that it plans to monitor water levels along the edisto. River was at 7. 7 feet. Use the official hydrograph at the top of this web page for river levels within the next 72 hours. Click individual graphics to enlarge. Explore the new usgs national water dashboard; Usgs 02175000 edisto river nr. Edisto island, s. c. (wciv) — charleston county emergency management officials reported tuesday the edisto river has begun to recede from a peak 17. 9 feet. The south carolina emergency management division, in partnership with county and state agencies, closely monitors water levels along the edisto river. Explore the new usgs national water dashboard; Monitoring location 02172558 is associated with a stream in aiken county, south carolina.

Water Level Edisto River